Monday, December 17, 2007


ok so while we were going over the grading process durring class, it came like a slap in the face. I realize that i really have been slacking off. This is no surprise because i constantly do this every year, and now thinking about my gpa and getting into college i know it needs to change. Ive been taking this class as if i can just sit through and pass but in fact i need to do the work. Over all ive come witht the conclusion that by the end of winter break i want to be finished with the snowball paper. Preferably i want to complete at least 1 paragraph a day, definantly one whole section in 3. since i think its just human nature to slack off and be lazy i want to at least set a day i want my paper to be definantly done by. I want my whole paper to be definantly done(or at least drafted) by Monday January 7th .Since i need to portray and intelectual commitement to my work, i want to start showing it here. I am now commiting my self to have this done by the date stated above. If i t isnt complete i know my grade will affect. With that said i guess its time to start working.