Saturday, January 5, 2008

Childhood chunk

Moving into our childhood unit in class we pulled out a quote from R.D Liangs article. He had stated that "As adults, we have forgotton most of our childhood. Not only its content, but its flavour". When i had first seen this quote i thought immediatly that this is bullshit. I may not be an adult but im preety close to it and i remember everything about my childhood. One day in class we started class openly. Usually one person starts and it branches into a big debate or share out. This day in particular really stood out to me because it made me understand liangs quote the most. I remember previously thinking i remembered everything when in fact i remembered only a little bit of many expiriences i had. In the discussion one person would say one expirience and then almost every classmate would erupt saying "me too". I myself remembered so many different things about my self that i had just put to the side until that day in which i had to take those memories out and actually remember.

While thinking about it later on that week i kind of thought it is sad how our brain works. We can remember the most pointles stupid things like what we ate for lunch last week, but we cant remember the most important things about our past that made us who we are now. Going back to Liangs quote i relalized i cvan remember some of the content, but do i remember the "flavour"? Sadly no. I cant remember the taste of my great grandmas apple pie, or the feeling i got while finding 20 dollars on the floor and being able to spend it on whatever i want. The only type of feeling i remember is the very general feelings like "good" or "happy". Just to think about it makes it feel kind of depressing because its almost as if you wasted your years on something we probably wont look back on very often.

As a poject we were assighned to create a portfolio of pictures from our childhood and underneath write every detail we can remember while the picture was being taken. There were to pictures that i had chosen that really stood out to me. One picture was from when i was in elementary school. Im sitting on the floor with a crown on my head with a cup cake in my hand. It was my birthday ad we were celebrating it with my friends in school. I can remember almost all the major details. The crown was made for me durring "Activity time". I had worn it because i felt since it was my birthday i was like the king. My mom had made the cupcakes for me and all my class. Then while going into my memories i get back to the "flavour" part and i just dont remember. Only thing i can think of is the cupcake was probably good, and i was really happy. The other picture was a picture of me on thanksgiving smiling with a ig turkey leg in my hand. I remember that as a young kid i was picky and only ate chicken legs, and i was happy when my grandfather let me eat the turkey leg. Sadly this is all i can remember. once again i get back to the actual feeling part of my memories and i cant remember.

In conclusion i understand and can completely agree with liangs theory about childhood. I also think the way he worded this quote was also on purpose because if he were to had just said we had forgotten most of our childhood i would definantly dissagree. But if you think of your memories in content and then remember the actual feelings, its hard to remember what you were feeling inside at that very moment. I compared my picture memories with Liangs quote and that when i realized that i was wrong. Besides the fact that i can only remember most of the things that happened, i cant remember and specific feelings. In the end im really saying that i now completely agree with Liangs theory about childhood.

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