Sunday, April 19, 2009

Break homework

At what points do you feel emotionally healthiest?

Over vacation i feel as if i was emotionally healthiest when i was socializing with people. I felt healthiest also when i expressed my emotions towards others, and i shared my feelings. With doing that it fealt healthy because you are letting your emotions go and having someone listen to them and receive those emotions.

Least healthy?

I fealt least emotionally healthy as i attended a funeral and i felt as if i had many emotions in one spot in which i was attempting to hide from everyone to support them.

What's going on that affects your emotional health? What actions can you take to support your own emotional well-being?

when negative things aproach my life, my emotional health lowers. In order to support my emotional well being i would have to say it would be best if i just keep my mind positive, and put myself in poisitve good positions

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